Accelerating Learning for All The Book

Authors: Dr Sunita Gandhi, Tom Delaney, Jonathan Hakim
Every parent wants the best education for their child. But is there more to education than rows of children listening to a teacher and copying into their notebooks?
ALFA: Accelerating Learning for All breaks the shackles of the industrial education system, revolutionizing the school experience through peer-learning and hands-on-activities. The ALFA programme enables children and adults alike to learn foundational literacy and numeracy in months rather than years. Beyond reading, writing and arithmetic, ALFA builds the crucial life skills of collaboration, creativity, citizenship and character.
Check out the book today – available as an e-book or paperback.

K. P Fabian
Former Indian Ambassador and Diplomat
This book tells us how to achieve universal literacy in India and the rest of the world. The UNESCO, the Global South,and the Rich North should ensure that ALfA is adopted by all governments and civil societies in the Global South with the financial support of the North.

Jon Corippo
Author, Eduprotocol
We’ve seen early success in a few schools in the United States with ALfA and I can’t wait until it can be the pedagogy that used nationwide. All students should be able to learn to read quickly quickly so that they can maximize their academic potential and ALfA does that.

Professor Sigamoney Manicka Naicker
University of Western Cape
Why does literacy matter in the lives of people, and the life of a nation? Why are so many adults and children unable to read and write? Why have existing policies and institutions not been able to solve the problem? What can be done now? These are some of the critical questions raised in this timely manuscript ending Literacy Poverty: A roadmap for Global Action. This manuscript is a critical intervention in the 21st century where education has failed so many children. Why are so many working-class children failing to read whilst, so middle class children succeed? Our authors in this book provide some insightful and unique ideas about creating a pedagogy of possibility. New emerging pedagogies can only rupture the disaster we are confronted with. This book will undoubtedly create the conditions for a better world.